Having great neighbors around can be terrific. You can ask them to feed your pet and keep an eye on your apartment when you’re away on vacation. You can borrow and lend things. You can get yourself invited over to eat that delicious-smelling dinner they’re cooking. No matter how you view it, getting along with your neighbors can help with lots of things. However, problems do come up. How you handle them can impact on your relationship. Here are some common issues and ideas on how to handle them.
One of the biggest problems apartment renters face is noise from other tenants. While you should be reasonable about certain noises or understanding if the walls are particularly thin, there are some noises that you should probably address.
Some neighbors may or not be aware of when they’re becoming an issue. For example, you may have a neighbor who regularly parks in your private parking spot, or allows their guests to do so. They may leave garbage outside their door, allow their pets to relieve themselves in public areas without picking it up or even get a full grill going right underneath your window, filling your apartment with smoke. What then?
Smells travel when you live in an apartment. From cooking and baking to cigarettes or illegal substances, there’s always a possibility that you might be able to smell it in your apartment. While cooking or baking smells may not always smell delicious, there’s not a lot you can do about that. However, other odors you can certainly have dealt with. This particular issue may be a bit more tricky to deal with than simply talking to them, so speaking to your landlord or apartment manager might be your best first course of action.
While handling problems yourself is generally the best course of action, there will be times where you may want to involve your landlord. These include:
You can ask your landlord or apartment manager to keep your name out of it and make the complaint anonymous to avoid further conflict with your neighbor.
When complaints happen, there is always a chance that things could escalate. Though rare, you should be able to feel safe in your apartment home. Some situations where you may want to involve the authorities include:
Though you can report some of these situations anonymously, if your neighbor has threatened, assaulted you or damaged your property, you may need to obtain a police report. This will help should you need to take further action. Be sure to share this with your landlord.