When looking to rent an apartment, there are a million questions to think about. Where do you want to live? How long will your commute to work be? Is it close to transit? But one of the first things you should think about is how much space you really need.
Renting a two-bedroom apartment can be both fun and stressful, but there are a few pros that greatly outweigh the cons. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of a two-bedroom apartment.
Two-bedroom apartments are typically less expensive than one-bedrooms when you split the cost with a roommate. You’ll be able to share the rent, as well as the cost of bills like cable, electric and water. Sometimes, people can’t afford to live in one-bedrooms due to the high cost, so sharing a two-bedroom with someone else is a great alternative.
On top of saving some money, you’ll enjoy having some companionship when you’re home, and you can also divvy up the not-so-fun stuff. Chores such as cleaning, taking out the trash and paying bills won’t fall solely on your shoulders. To make this a smooth process for everyone, check out our guide for dividing up chores in your apartment.
If you still choose to live alone, two-bedroom apartments will give you a lot more space to do what you want, such as creating a home office or having a guest room for visitors.
If you have a home-based business, a creative space to work will motivate you to get more done. And you can shut the door at the end of the day and the work you have left to do won’t be staring you in the face.
Having a guest room for visitors, family and friends is also a big pro to living in a two-bedroom apartment. Guests will have their own sanctuary and you won’t have to worry about putting them up on your couch.
You’ll likely have extra storage space as well, which is great if you have a lot of belongings or bulky personal items like bikes and fishing rods.
Whether you live alone or with a roommate, two-bedroom apartments provide renters with multiple opportunities to live comfortably and affordably.
Related: Benefits of renting one-bedroom apartments