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Pennsylvania Apartments and Homes

Apartments for Rent in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is officially known as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and has a population of 12.81 million people. It is located in the Mid-Atlantic regions of the country and the Appalachian Mountains run right through the middle of the state. The capital is Harrisburg while its largest cities are Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

Average Monthly Rent Statewide in Pennsylvania

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$1132 $1370 $1606

Average Monthly Rent in Harrisburg

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$751 $790 $1082

Average Monthly Rent in Philadelphia

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$1391 $1934 $2585/td>

Average Monthly Rent in Pittsburgh

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$968 $1236 $1566

Living in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's state motto is "Virtue, Liberty and Independence". The state is home to some of our nation's richest history. But it also has some of the most modern, forward-thinking cities in the nation.

The newer greener Philly

The city of Philadelphia is positioning itself to become one of the "greenest" cities in the nation. Led by the mayor, the Greenworks Philadelphia project has set lofty goals and put a detailed plan into action that aims to lower city government energy consumption, increase the use of alternative energy sources, lower greenhouse gas emissions and create jobs in green industries, among many other things. There is a combined effort on the part of the city government, local businesses and even the residents to make Philadelphia a greener city and continue to improve its livability.

Historic shopping in Easton

The city of Easton's downtown area provides residents with a pedestrian-friendly, historic district. Stroll through downtown's historic Centre Square, which was where one of only three readings of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776 took place. From July through October, you can purchase fresh produce and other local goods at the Easton Farmer's Market, which has been held in the Centre Square since 1752.

Steel yourself for Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, another major city, has a long history in the steel industry with regional economics, growth and development largely dependent on steel production and trade. Explore this rich history in museums across the city that highlight and preserve what is so distinctly Pittsburgh. The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall honors American War Veterans. There's also the Heinz History Center and the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum, to name just a few.

Take a hike in the Poconos

The Allegheny Mountains in the Laurel Highland region have become recognized as a vacation destination, particularly by western Pennsylvania locals and visitors from the Mid-Atlantic States. Outdoor recreation choices include white-water rafting, lift-served mountain biking, and snow skiing. Of course, The Pocono Mountains is famous for its resorts, natural scenic beauty, 150 lakes, and the quaint, historical towns in the four county area.

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