1. Nebraska

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Nebraska Apartments and Homes

Apartments for Rent in Nebraska

Nebraska is located in the midwestern U.S. and has a population of 1.929 million people. It is home to the Great Plains, the Sandhills, and the rock formations of the panhandle. The state capital is Lincoln and the largest city is Omaha, which sits on the Missouri River.

Average Monthly Rent Statewide in Nebraska

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$786 $874 $1100

Average Monthly Rent in Lincoln

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$676 $861 $1034

Average Monthly Rent in Omaha

Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
$774 $673 $1162

Living in Nebraska

Nebraska is renowned for its sprawling, placid landscapes - an untamed territory, reminiscent of the first pioneers that forged through America's Midwestern territory. While the fair state is by no means antiquated or out of touch with the present age, it still maintains one foot in the past - a simpler time of livelihood, when well-being was wrought from Mother Nature's endless bounty. After you and your family have relocated to your Nebraska apartment for rent, you may eager to explore your new territory. Fortunately for you, there is a slew of great attractions that you can access via the highway or country back roads, and the beautiful great plains that you'll cut through will make every trip one to remember.

Family fun in Nebraska

Families may want to take a drive out to the Strategic Air and Space Museum, where you can see the innovational technology that helped blast America through the 20th century, and become the world leader that it is today. For a quaint afternoon that caters to your crafty side, you can always stop into the International Quilt Study Center and Museum. There, you can garner the necessary skills to make great new linens for your Nebraska apartment!

Nebraska's History

Before there was flight, there was rail. The steel lines cutting from coast to coast in the 19th century were what helped unite America and let it become the interconnected network that it is today. At the Golden Spike Tower and Visitor Center, you and the little ones will get an unparalleled view of the renowned Bailey Yard, which sees more than 150 trains and approximately 10,000 classification cars each day.If you and your significant other are looking to get some alone time, there are myriad locales peppered throughout Nebraska that you will surely find conducive to your whimsical ways. Visit one of the local wineries such as the 17 Ranch Winery, the 5 Trails Winery or the Big Cottonwood Vineyards and Winery. There, you can tip your glasses to the new chapter in your life as you take in the bucolic bliss that is your home.

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